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Final Technical Report of Life-C4R covering the project activities from 02/07/2018 to 01/07/2021
Download and read the Layman report of Life-C4R Project!
The heart of the project is the FTE system technology in its 2.0 version, that allows to fully replace old refrigerants with CO2, a natural, non toxic,  non flammable fluid in a simple, efficient and reliable manner, in any climate situation anywhere in the world.
The Life-C4R project is a 3-year (2018-2021) international marketing project that, thanks to Epta FTE Full Transcritical Efficiency system, will substantially contribute to replacing HCFC and HFC greenhouse refrigerants with CO2 in commercial refrigeration, in a very simple, efficient and reliable way in any country, with any external temperature, allowing 10% energy and 20% installation and maintenance savings.
Download the notice board of Life-C4R Project
Download the presentation and find out how does the system works!
How can natural refrigeration be as simple as it is ingenious? #EptaExperience IS THE WAY, with FTE Full Transcritical Efficiency System Simple: no complex or sophisticated technical components.Global: one solution for all markets and store formats, reliable in hot climates and effcient in every season.Industrial: factory-tested and widely available, using only standard components present on the market.Reliable: total safety anywhere, better protection of key system components.
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